Dr Abbas Amini
Member of Work Health and Safety Committee
Western Sydney University
Dr Abbas Amini is an associate lecturer, a registered member of Western Sydney University graduate supervisory board at the School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics since January 2014, and the member of Work Health and Safety Committee of the same university. Before joining the Western Sydney University, he had conducted research with other Australian universities and CSIRO for five years, as a postdoctoral research fellow at Monash University and Deakin University, and as a senior research fellow at the University of Melbourne. His fine outcomes have been presented in high impact factor journals, e.g., Nature publication group. Abbas started his teaching, industrial and scientific journey from obtaining an associate’s degree in mathematics from Dastgheib Teacher College, MSc and BSc in mechanical engineering from Sharif University of Technology, and PhD in both nanotechnology and mechanical engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He has also updated himself by several Australian and Canadian nationally recognized professional certificates and diplomas, e.g., FULT (Foundations of University Learning and Teaching form Western Sydney University), TAE, WHS, CNC etc, since then. With his intense schedule, he has been extensively involved in teaching for many years, and worked in industry, e.g., Magna Powertrain, Toronto, Canada, as a professional engineer and industrial designer for a period of six years. Dr Amini is a member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), an active reviewer for and editor of several ISI journals, and a committee member of 12 international conferences to-date, including the co-chair of 8th International Conference of ICCAE 2016, Melbourne, Australia, Mar. 3-4, 2016
Research Interest
Dr Amini's research focus in particular covers a wide range of multidisciplinary aspects: indentation methods, shape memory alloys, water treatment, drug delivery systems, piezoelectric materials, biomedical materials, graphene, graphane, CNTs, biodegradable polymeric nano-composites, TiO2, ZnO, environmental sustainability and water efficiency, experimental analysis, multi-scale (nano to macro) modelling of multi-physics phenomena, phase transition, mechanics of materials, fabrication of modern composites, manufacturing, offshore naval structures, and ship design.