Aditya Bhushan Pant
Sr. Scientist
Indian Institute of Toxicology Research
Lucknow, India
Dr. Pant started his research career about twenty four years back at Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, and established in vitro models to obtain the high amount of malaria parasite antigens for vaccine purposes. He earned his PhD degree in ‘Biotechnology’, from IIT Roorkee, India. In 1997, he joined Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow, and established State of the Art Laboratory for In Vitro Toxicology. Currently, he is developing rapid and sensitive in vitro model of study the chemical and drug induced developmental neurotoxicity using growth factors induced differentiating neuronal sub-types derived from human umbilical cord blood stem cells. Dr. Pant has more than hundred research publication in national and international journals of high repute and has many other quantifiable achievements in his credit. He has guided more than 11 PhD, over 120 MSc/MTech, 22 MDS/MD, 16 BTech, and 5 Post Doctoral Fellow and many students are currently working under him in different projects. Dr. Pant is fellow of number of scientific societies/academies, to name few: Academy of Toxicological Sciences (USA), Society of Toxicology (India), Academy of Sciences for Animal Welfare (India), Academy of Environmental Biology (India), etc.
Research Interest
In vitro toxicology. Developmental toxicology. Pesticides.